Daffodils Before Swallows

Daffodils Before Swallows

26 Jul 2007

This tale of love and intrigue centres on the lives of Rosalind and Charles, both born on the same day into very different families. Rosalind's family live modestly in Brighton, where as Charles's father is a lord, owner of the magnificent ancestral seat, Hathaway House, and its legendary library, containing rare first editions and a copy of Shakespeare's first folio. From the very start, Shakespeare plays an important role in Daffodils Before Swallows, with a priceless, previously undiscovered manuscript being auctioned at Sotheby's. Shakespearean themes run through the novel, from anti-semitism, to overweening ambition and greed and finally to the redemptive power of love. A sweeping portrayal of love and greed, with some beautifully drawn and memorable characters, this novel will carry you along to its dramatic climax.


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ISBN: 1846241618
ISBN-13: 978-1846241611
Available in the following formats:
  • Paperback
  • Hardback